Collective Programming.


What interests me in nature, is its capacity to contain its own protocol. Take, for example, a flower seed: all these genetic characteristics (and more) are encapsulated in a standby element. I like to make the comparison with the object(s); in programming, where a machine, a program, a unit, a bit of code have to play at the required time.

But I think that to represent nature by programming is only a pretence. It is impossible, whatever the power of the computer. Something more would be needed. In any event, a computer can never reproduce space or feelings. The best algorithm, of an inconceivable complexity impossible, is already nature. It seems to me that it is better to play with the variables and the complexity which nature can offer. Like an agent which could track randoms to modify a whole.

Collective exhibition "Etats des Lieux ", at Etoile s/ Rhône(26) France, 11 -> 21 May 2006.
Project Not Realezed.
The project consists to proposing a certain numbers of varieties of standby protocols. Held in containers at the entry to the exhibition, the spectators are then invited to become actors by laying out these standby protocols in a park. Thus each actor releases the protocols and takes part in a temporal algorithmic painting, only visible from the sky, where each flower composes the pixels of an image.

Stanby' Protocol :

  Silene (Patio){
An easy to grow container or border filler, with attractive, dainty, single, pink, red, blue and white flowers. Looks spectacular planted in large drifts, where the slender dwarf stems of flowers, glisten in the summer sunshine. Height 25-30cm (10-12 inches).
//500 graines/1,25 euro }

  Forget-me-Not(Chinese Forget-me-Not Chill Out){
A charming duo producing masses of attractive sky blue and cool white flowers, from mid to late summer. Ideal for creating a relaxing drift of colour, and bringing borders back to life when all around them are looking tired. Height 40-45cm (16-18in).
//300 graines/1,25 euro }


  Pied d'Alouette (Cloudy Skies Varié){
Voilà des nuages qui ne gâcheront pas votre journée ! Plante légère, couverte de fleurs ressemblantes à des orchidées, blanches scintillantes, bleues tendres et des tons bicolores originaux. Une annuelle facile à réussir, parfaite pour semer en larges bandes. Remplit rapidement les bordures de couleurs d'été. Fleurit sur une longue période.
//400 graines/3,95 euro }


  Pavot (Flanders){
Often seen sprinkling cornfields with its bright scarlet flowers. Ideal for creating a bright splash of colour in a sunny corner where little else will grow, or in the wild garden where it self seeds with ease. Flowers early summer. Height: 1½-2ft.
//2000 graines/2,55 euro }


Pavot (mexicana Sun Shades){
Des masses de fleurs soyeuses en forme de coupes, dans des tons d'orange richement ensoleillés, parmi un feuillage bleu-vert finement découpé. Cette plante vous éblouira par sa beauté, surtout si vous la laissez se naturaliser en se ressemant.
//100 graines/3,45 euro }


Oeuf (poché){
"La plante dite ""Oeufs sur le Plat"" ou ""oeufs pochés"" attirera vers votre jardin certains insectes qui combattent les pucerons. Les abeilles aussi aiment ce tapis déroulé de fleurs odorantes or et blanc qui embellira le bord de massifs, rocailles ou bordure de sentier."
//150 graines/2,85 euro }


  Némophile(Pennie Black){
Une infinité de somptueuses fleurs d'un marron presque noir avec un liseré blanc. Son port en fait d'intéressants couvre-sols.
//250 graines/2,95 euro }
  Pavot (betonicifolia alba){
Grandes fleurs blanche, à texture soyeuse, portées par de longues tiges de 90cm en mai-juin. Une couleur rare, particulièrement mise en valeur sur un fond vert à mi-ombre. Fleurit, fin printemps/début été.
//100 graines/3,95 euro }